Immigration rankings: California v. West Virginia

Just how bad of a “problem” is immigration?

From the AP today comes news that:

“Nearly one in five people living in the United States speaks a language at home other than English. California led the nation in immigrants, at 27 percent of the state’s population, and in people who spoke a foreign language at home, at 43 percent. West Virginia had the smallest shares of both: 1.2 percent of immigrants and 2.3 percent of people who speak a foreign language at home.”

Hmmm. Let’s compare California and West Virginia.

In median family income, California ranks 6th highest in the nation at $37.019. West Virginia ranks last in the nation at $25,758.

In percentage with college degrees or higher, California ranks 15th in the nation at 29 percent. West Virginia ranks last in the nation at 16.5 percent.

In percentage living below poverty , California ranks 15th at 13 percent. West Virginia ranks fifth in the nation for poverty at 17.3 percent.

The Census doesn’t rank states based on moral turpitude, but consider this news item from West Virginia that also appeared today:

“Six whites, including two mothers and their adult children, have been charged in the week-long kidnapping, torture and rape of a 20-year-old black woman in West Virginia.”

Maybe immigration isn’t such a problem after all.

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