It amuses me that on the same day we all learned that J. K. Rowling’s handmade Tales of Beedle the Bard — one of seven copies — sold for nearly $4 million, I (assuming “we” for the major JKR news and “I” for the little nerdtastic stuff) also learned (via Pitchfolk, of course) about this awesome free compilation of Harry Potter-inspired bands rocking against media consolidation. Rocking Out Against Voldemedia is available as one massive zipped file — which, of course, I’m currently downloading. It’s all about the free press, man. Voldemort wouldn’t like that. (The website is considerably more eloquent about this than I.)
If you’ve not yet experienced a wizard rock band or twelve, go find yourself some Harry and the Potters, Draco and the Malfoys, Parselmouths, Remus Lupins … well, if it’s a catchy name in the Potterverse, it’s probably a band. For serious. And also it’s probably kind of awesome.