More Brilliance From WhedonWorld

So, as we all know (right?), brilliant Buffy creator Joss Whedon has a new show in the works: Dollhouse, which I believe is scheduled to debut mid-season, in early 2009. (Do take a peek at BoingBoing‘s take on Whedon fans’ nervousness re: its cancellation chances). A while back I posted a link to the Dollhouse trailer, and I do repeat myself here, but still: AWESOME.

But wait! This isn’t the only awesomesauce on the Whedon front. There’s also the internet-only Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, which, frankly, I can’t decide whether to italicize, put in quotes or leave alone (oh, the trials of the editor-brain. I went with italics because Suzi said so). Dr. Horrible stars Doogie Howser Neil Patrick Harris, Captain Tightpants Nathan Fillion and potential slayer ViThe Guild” creator Felicia Day, which makes it several different kinds of exciting. As you can see, there’s very little on Dr. Horrible’s website — yet. However, the good horrible doctor does have a Facebook page and — even better! — a preview:

Teaser from Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog on Vimeo..

Personally, I’m really interested in the Motion Picture Association of My House, Inc.

Gimme more. Please.

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