Could Piercy Get Obama Endorsement?

Could Kitty Piercy get an endorsement from Barack Obama in the tight Eugene mayor’s race?

Sure, Obama is a little busy right now. But he did do an ad endorsing Jeff Merkley for Senate after Republican Gordon Smith ran misleading ads trying to cozy up to Obama for votes.

Piercy’s opponent, erstwhile Republican Jim Torrey, has also tried to cozy up to Obama, using the same “yes we can” slogan.

While he was running as a conservative Republican against State Senator Vicki Walker two years ago, Torrey ran a TV ad cozying to Bill Clinton in an effort to win votes. But the ad backfired and prompted Clinton to endorse Walker.

How did Walker get Clinton to endorse in the local race? The Register-Guard reported, “Walker forwarded the ad to Clinton’s New York office. They quickly sent back an endorsement.” Simple.

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