Thundereggs and Dino Dung

Wondering what to get for that special someone who has everything?

The Bonhams auction house in Los Angeles plans to sell off an Oregon thunderegg that’s four feet across and one of the largest in the world at at an auction on Dec. 6.

Indians believed gods threw thundereggs at each other from mountaintops. White men later made it Oregon’s official rock. This one from the Blue Mountains will set you back an estimated $100,000 to $125,000.

If that’s too pricey for your Christmas gift budget, Bonhams is also auctioning a 70-lb. piece of fossilized dinosaur dung for $1,800-$2,400 on the same day.

The massive piece of crapolite (or caprolite as they say in Greek) could serve “as an intriguing and amusing conversation piece,” according to the auction house.

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