Eugene Weekly : Theater : 10.18.07

JACQUES BREL IS ALIVE & WELL & LIVING IN PARIS Opens at the Very Little Theatre Friday, Oct. 19.

“Join us now, we’re on a marathon; we’re always dancing when the music plays!” From the opening lines of this revue — a piece of theater celebrating the music of French composer Brel and a whirlwind of songs that swirl from the heights of romance to the depths of depression (often in the same song) — the audience is swept up in what the New York Times reviewer of the 2006 revival called “Brel’s unmistakably Gallic sensibility, a potent mixture of romanticism and cynicism, world-weariness and jaunty whimsy.” Awesome stuff, very high energy for the VLT’s season opener! Show dates are Oct. 19-21 & 25-28 and Nov. 1-4 & 8-10. For tix, call 344-7751.


LA DISPUTE Opens at the UO’s Arena Theatre Wednesday, Oct. 24.

So OK. In a monogamous heterosexual relationship, who’s more likely to cheat — the man or the woman? The mid-18th century French possibly had a slightly different response than the one most Americans, steeped in “social biology,” would probably give, and famed comedic playwright Marivaux leaves the answer up in the air. Hmm, maybe there’s no point in that silly old monogamy anyway. We suggest you not see this play with someone too tempting … Show dates are Oct. 24-27 and Nov. 1-3. Tix available by calling 346-1791.



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