Activist Alert 3-14-2013

• The Oregon Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the case of Haugen v. Kitzhaber during its annual visit to the UO School of Law. The arguments will take place at 10:30 am Thursday, March 14, in room 175 of the Knight Law Center, 1515 Agate St. in Eugene. The proceedings are open to the public, a capacity crowd is expected and an overflow room will be available. Video of the proceedings will be available on the law school’s website later in the day.

Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon, the statewide political voice for Planned Parenthood, is mobilizing citizen lobbyists from across Oregon for “Women’s Health Care Day at the Capitol” starting at 12:30 pm Thursday, March 14, in Salem. The group will march to the Capitol to advocate for women’s health care before meeting with their elected representatives. Sign up at

• A free presentation on the Crater Lake Wilderness proposal will be at 6 pm Thursday, March 14, at the Eugene Public Library. Sponsored by the Umpqua Watersheds’ Wild on Wilderness Committee, Oregon Wild, Environment Oregon and the Crater Lake Institute. Call 672-7065 or visit

• Progressive folk singer David Rovics will be performing at a concert to benefit The People’s World, a free workers’ newspaper, at 6 pm Friday, March 15, at the LCC Performance Hall, 1475 E. 15th Ave. Cosponsored by the Community Party, USA and the Alliance of Happy Atheists, an ASUO student group, with financial support from the Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation, the graduate employee union on campus.

• Registration is open for the Green Campaign School March 16 in Portland that will focus on electing Green candidates to local and state offices. Sponsored by the Pacific Green Party. See for more information.

• Hey Glassbar Island users: Lane County Commissioners will hear proposals for management and development of the county property previously occupied by BRING Recycling at 1:30 pm Tuesday, March 19. The proposal by Waste Management for the property will follow the 20 minutes set aside public proposals and discussion. The public can also make comments at the beginning of the board meeting at 9 am.

Cathy Breen of Voices for Creative Nonviolence will be speaking at 7 pm Wednesday, March 20, at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 1685 W. 13th Ave. In late 2012, Cathy Breen spent six weeks in Iraq, talking to Iraqis about their lives after the U.S. invasion and occupation. The title of her talk is Eyewitness 10 Years Later: What Iraqis are Saying. Sponsors of the event are CALC, WAND, Code Pink and Veterans for Peace. The event will be preceded by a 4:30 pm peace vigil at 7th and Pearl.

• The annual recruitment for Eugene city boards, committees and commissions is now under way. Vacancies are coming up on the Budget Committee, Planning Commission, Civilian Review Board and several others. Deadline for applications is March 29. See or stop by the city manager’s office.

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