Activist Alert 3-21-2013

• A new group, Students Against Imperialism, has formed after a recent speaking event in which two controversial Israeli soldiers came to speak at UO. “The need to challenge imperialism is dire, as the United States is the world’s leading colonial power,” reads a statement from the group.  The group is focusing on a range of issues, from immigration policy to “Israel’s war machine.” For more information, email

• The annual recruitment for Eugene city boards, committees and commissions is now under way. Vacancies are coming up on the Budget Committee, Planning Commission, Civilian Review Board and several others. Deadline for applications is March 29. See or stop by the city manager’s office.

• Beyond Toxics and supporters are traveling to in Salem for the first public hearing of HB 3364, the Safe Public Places Act, at 8 am Thursday, March 28. The bill was written by Beyond Toxics and outlines a “well-thought out approach to pest management.” See for more information. Carpools leave at 6:30 am from the Beyond Toxics office at 1192 Lawrence in Eugene.

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