Activist Alert 6-27-2013

Health Care for All Oregon’s Eugene chapter will host the statewide annual meeting of its coalition from 10 am to 3 pm Friday, June 28, at First United Methodist Church, 1376 Olive St. The gathering of HCAO’s 80 member organizations, along with delegates from labor unions, health care providers and other groups, is open to the public. The Eugene chapter will later meet from 7 to 9 pm Tuesday, July 2, at EWEB, 500 E. 5th Ave. Discussion will include the results of the legislative session and future events. For more information, call Ruth Duemler at 484-6145.

• “The Future of Oregon’s Natural Resources” is a three-part series at City Club of Eugene continuing at noon Friday, June 28, at the Hilton 12th Floor Ballroom. This second in the series will be on “Oregon’s Growth Management Experience” with attorney Richard P. Benner, former staff attorney for 1000 Friends of Oregon. $5 for non-members. See

• The Eugene Police Commission is hosting a State of Public Safety Forum from 5:30 to 7:30 pm Thursday, June 27, at the Eugene Public Library. Panelists will discuss the state of public safety, issues of importance and their thoughts about the future of public safety in our community. Panelists include Eugene Police Chief Pete Kerns, Lane County Sheriff Tom Turner, District Attorney Alex Gardner, Police Auditor Mark Gissiner, Municipal Court Presiding Judge Wayne Allen and St. Vincent de Paul Executive Director Terry McDonald. Contact number for the event is 682-5852.

Beyond Toxics is planning a “Boldness Bash” to celebrate passage of its bill, HB 3364, the State Integrated Pest Management Act, another success of their Safe Public Places campaign, from 5:30 to 8 pm Thursday, June 27, at the Oakshire Brewing Public House, 207 Madison. “Beyond Toxics proposed and doggedly pursued bipartisan support to finally make pesticide protections the law of the state,” says Lisa Arkin of Beyond Toxics. Music by Soulicious, sponsored by Mountain Rose Herbs. See or call 465-8860.

• A free illustrated talk based on the book, The Owyhee River Journals, will be at 3 pm Saturday, June 29, at the Downtown Public Library. Author Bonnie Olin created the book with photographer Mike Quigley who has been exploring the Owyhee Canyonlands since 1975.

• A celebration of Green Island by the McKenzie River Trust will be from 7 am to 5 pm Saturday, June 29. See details in the Viewpoint by Joe Moll this week. 

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