Activist Alert 11-19-2015

• “Growing our Local Food Economy Part II” is the topic at City Club of Eugene noon Friday, Nov. 20, at the Downtown Athletic Club, 999 Willamette. This program looks at “exploring mixed-use land use for the food industry” and speakers include Jason Lafferty, Shawn Donnille, Terri Harding and Melissa Fery. One issue to be discussed is the city’s proposed expansion of the urban growth boundary to create industrial lands — which could be used for food processing facilities. An earlier City Club program on this topic looked at broad economic opportunities surrounding our local food economy. $5 for non-members.

Taste of Climate Justice is an informal event focusing on the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s role in climate crisis at 5 pm Friday, Nov. 20, at Ninkasi Tasting Room, 272 Van Buren. Speakers will include Michael Carrigan, Ron Unger, David Oaks and Michael Hejazi. Find the event on Facebook or email 

Aloha Friday this month will commemorate the Japanese-American heroes of World War II from 6 to 7:30 pm Friday, Nov. 20, at Cozmic, 199 W. 8th Ave. The event features short videos, discussion and koto music by Mitsuki Dazai. Free, donations accepted. Find Aloha Friday on Facebook or call 689-2094.

• The ASUO Women’s Center annual Womxn of Color Retreat and Allyship Symposium is planned for all day Saturday, Nov. 21, at the Living Learning Center and Knight Law School on campus. The theme this year is “Decolonizing our Minds, Bodies and Souls,” and keynote speakers include Cory Lira and Ada Ball. RSVP at

 • A vigil to close the School of the Americas (SOA) to coincide with the national protest in Fort Benning, Georgia, will be at 3 pm Sunday, Nov. 22, at the Wayne Morse Free Speech Plaza, 8th and Oak. The SOA has been renamed, but the U.S. training center continues to militarize repressive regimes in Latin America. The day before, a “Close the SOA” benefit concert featuring In Accord choir and singer Tom Rawson will be at 7 pm Saturday at Wellsprings Friends School, 3590 W. 18th Ave. Suggested donation of $5 to $15 but no one will be turned away. 

• Fish biologist Jeff Ziller, former ODFW district biologist, will talk on “Chinook Salmon in the Coast Fork Willamette — Past, Present and Future” at a Holiday Science Pub event from 5 to 9 pm Tuesday, Nov. 24, at the Axe & Fiddle, 657 E. Main Street in Cottage Grove. The evening will also feature a showing of the movie Upriver: A Film for the Willamette by Freshwaters Illustrated. Suggested donation $10. A silent auction will be held in support of the Coast Fork Willamette Watershed Council. 

• Details of the Trans-Pacific Partnership were finally released last week and can be found at Sen. Ron Wyden is inviting Oregonians to share their views on the massive trade agreement at

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