Activist Alert 10-6-2016

• Mia Moran, the international bestselling author of Plan Simple Meals gives a talk 6:30 pm Thursday, Oct. 13, at the Eugene Waldorf School, 1350 McLean Blvd. The school says, “Moran will help simplify and demystify what ‘good food’ means today. She will share some gems of how to create the space to make good food and even the time to eat it. She will share several tools working with a regular rhythm to make mealtimes manageable at home — tools that work with middle school aged children too.” $10 suggested donation. More info at

• A Save the Elliott State Forest rally is 9 am Tuesday, Oct. 11, at the Department of State Lands, 775 Summer Street NE, Salem. The Many Rivers chapter of the Sierra Club is organizing carpooling from Eugene. The group says, “Add your support to the folks from Coos County at the Save the Elliott State Forest who are holding a rally at a meeting in Salem with Gov. Brown and the State Land Board to tell them the Elliott State Forest should stay in public ownership.” The State Land Board meeting begins at 10 am; find more info at

• A Bethel Community Farm open house is 2-5 pm Thursday, Oct. 6, and Thursday, Oct. 13. The farm is located on  4 acres of land between Kalapuya High School and Prairie Mountain School. Organizers say the free event “invites one and all to come see this Bethel School District farm that has already grown hundreds of pounds of produce in its first season.” Farm manager Kasey White and Kalapuya High School students will lead tours of the farm “which includes a beautiful new barn with a solar array, a greenhouse, beehive and space for a future community garden. Go to Kalapuya High School, 1200 N. Terry Street in Eugene.

• The city of Springfield is seeking National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) approval to use federal funds on the Franklin Boulevard Project in Glenwood. It is seeking the approval using a process called Categorical Exclusion, which would not require an Environmental Assessment or Environmental Impact Statement to fully assess, and potentially mitigate, impacts resulting from the project. Categorical Exclusion requires that the project not involve significant environmental impacts or substantial controversy on environmental grounds. Under a Categorical Exclusion, Springfield is not required to provide notice or a period for public comment on this documentation. To express an opinion on a Categorical Exclusion for the Franklin Boulevard Project or request more information, contact Adam Roberts, ODOT Region 2 Environmental Coordinator, at 541-757-4165 or

• Forest Treasures: Finding and Enjoying Wild Mushrooms with Peg Boulay and Bruce Newhouse is 7 pm Thursday, Oct. 20, at the UO Law School, 1515 Agate Street, Room 110. Organizers tell EW that “a spirited tag team of two experienced fungi-philes will show you how to responsibly find, identify and prepare edible mushrooms for your table.”

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