Activist Alert

Know Your Rights training for the immigrant community

• The Civil Liberties Defense Center is looking for bilingual people who want to be trained to give Know Your Rights for the Immigrant Community trainings in Lane County. Currently this training is only being given in English, and they are trying to create a group of high quality trainers that can deliver information in English and Spanish that community organizations could use when there is a need. The training is a 6-week commitment, every Thursday evening starting June 15, from 6-9 pm. There is one week off in the middle, and participants can take one week off for schedule conflicts. If you are interested/able, please contact or call 541-687-9180.

• The Oregon Department of Agriculture is accepting applications for growing canola in the Willamette Valley for the 2018 growing season. The ODA says that, “Information from the applications will be used to determine allocation of 500 acres to be designated for canola production in the Willamette Valley Protected District as provided by HB 3382A, passed in the 2015 Oregon legislative session.” Completed grower applications are due to ODA by June 15. The decision to grow canola, also known as rapeseed, in the valley was met with dismay by organic seed farmers. The plant spreads easily and conventional (nonorganic) canola is easily contaminated by genetically modified (GMO) crops. The Willamette Valley canola production application form can be found at or by calling 503-986-4550.

• The Fourth Annual Interfaith Peace Walk is 6 pm Sunday, June 25. Meet at the Ebbert United Methodist Church Community Garden at 6th and D Street in Springfield “for peace making activities and then walk through the neighborhood to see a couple historic sites.” The walk ends at The Learning Garden at Brattain, at C Street and 10th, for refreshments. Organizers say, “The purpose of this walk is to forge relationships and understanding through the sharing of personal stories and “People of all ages, faiths and backgrounds are invited to join in this walk for peace in our hearts and world.” For more information call 541-603-8706.

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