Activist Alert

Oregon Walk the Land Day and Eugene's first pride march

• The McKenzie River Trust will participate in the statewide Oregon Walk the Land Day event. Visitors can check out Green Island at the confluence of the McKenzie and Willamette rivers 7 am to 5 pm on Saturday, June 24. The property has no address, but for those with a GPS or use Google Maps, the last street address before the property is 31668 Green Island Road. Easy directions to Green Island can be found at Parking on the property is limited, so carpooling is encouraged. To register for the Green Island Walk the Land Day, go to:

We’re tired of corporate PRIDE! There’s no pride for some without liberation for all. Eugene’s first Pride march is being organized by United FRONT’s Trans Justice Campaign, co-sponsored by the South Willamette Valley’s chapter of NOW–National Organization for Women. The march and celebration is 3 pm, June 25, at the Park Blocks, 8th & Oak downtown Eugene. Organizers say, “We’re focused on an accessible and inclusive event, recognizing the need for safety and accessibility for our whole community. We will rally in the Park Blocks with speakers and march a short route through downtown. We’ll return to the Park Blocks for a family friendly celebration including live music, face painting, kids activities and more.” To get involved, contact or find “Queer & Trans Pride March and Celebration” on Facebook.

• Indivisible Eugene presents “Health Care Policy Primer” with Marty Wilde, executive director Lane County Medical Society, 7-8 pm, June 28, Unity of the Valley Church, 3912 Dillard Road.

• An initiative petition has been submitted to the city of Eugene that would amend the City Charter to establish an office of an independent elected city auditor. Volunteers are needed to gather signatures to place the measure on the May 2018 ballot. The petitioners say, “This is an opportunity for area residents to help reform our city government.” A training for volunteer signature gatherers is scheduled for 5 pm, June 28, at the AFSCME offices at 688 Charnelton in downtown Eugene. This all-volunteer effort is open to all those interested in helping in whatever way they can. For more information or to contact the chief petitioners go to or call 541-520-9572.

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