Activist Alert

Resisting ICE and a Eugene city auditor

• The Civil Liberties Defense Center is hosting a free Resisting ICE: Immigrant Rights for Allies training 6 to 8 pm Monday Sept. 18 at the Wesley Center, 2520 Harris Street, Eugene. The CLDC says, “In light of Trump rescinding DACA and the safety of our undocumented neighbors getting more compromised each week, our community needs to come together and act. Join us for a Know Your Rights training specifically for allies who want to be help protect and support the immigrant community! The training is focused on what the laws are around immigration, and how allies can assert their rights to help protect immigrant communities.”

• The Democratic Party of Lane County Central Committee Meeting will host a Eugene performance auditor info session 6:30 pm, Sept. 21, at the Eugene Garden Club, 1645 High Street. Mayor Lucy Vinis’ performance auditor workgroup and City Accountability, the group that is pushing for an independent elected city auditor, will be presenting and taking questions.

• St. Vincent De Paul is seeking businesses and individuals to provide parking space for its Overnight Parking Program in preparation for winter. People can volunteer overnight parking spaces by leaving a message for Keith Heath at the Eugene Service Station at 541-461-8688. Other ways to help the homeless include donating to St. Vinnie’s new Youth House project, which will provide housing and services to homeless teen girls; to the Connections programs, which helps homeless families transition to stable housing; to the First Place Family Center, which provides critical services to families with children; to the SSVF program, which helps veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, and to the Eugene Service Station, which provides services to homeless adults. Donations may be made online at or by calling Development Director Paula Berry at (541) 743-7144.

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