Activist Alert

Know your rights, yoga and a forestry tour

• On Saturday, Oct. 14, you can attend a four hour intensive training from the Civil Liberties Defense Center. The training will impart knowledge and skills that will increase the security of individuals and political activist groups — a must for everyone fighting for a better world in these times, CLDC says. Learn about asserting your rights, how to combat state repression of your movement, as well as digital security for activists and best practices for private communications. There will also be a section on legal observing and copwatching. The training is 1-5 pm Saturday, Oct. 14 at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 1685 W. 13th Avenue.

•  The 2017 commUNITY Yoga Celebration, a mini yoga, holistic living and sustainability celebration, runs 10 am to 6 pm Saturday, Oct. 14, at 1685 W. 13th Avenue. There will be food, live music, raffles and guided meditations. The event is a fundraiser for McKenzie River Trust.

• Beyond Toxics is hosting a Resilient Forestry Tour 1:30 to 3:30 pm Saturday, Oct. 14. The tour includes a walk through Shady Creek Forest, about 45 minutes west of Eugene. Carpools leave from the Lane County Historical Museum, 740 W. 13th Avenue, at 12:30 pm.

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