Activist Alert

Brian Babb, know your rights and Holocaust Memorial Week

• The Babb family invites family, friends and the community to honor and remember Capt. Brian Babb on the three-year anniversary of his death. The gathering is 7:30 pm Friday March 30, in the Oregon Electric Station Library Room. Babb, a veteran, was shot and killed by the Eugene Police Department in 2015. Find out more at

A town hall with Reps. Julie Fahey and Nancy Nathanson and Sen. James Manning is 6:30 pm, April 4 at the North Eugene High School cafeteria. The legislators say, “We’ll be focused on summarizing and answering questions about the 2018 short legislative session, as well as on hearing your thoughts for next year’s session.”

• On the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King JR.’s assassination, CALC will read excerpts from his  last sermon “Remaining Awake Through a Great Revolution” at 7 pm, April 4, at First Christian Church, 1166 Oak. The theme is “maintaining hope and refusing a politics of despair.” For more info: 541-485-1755, or

• At 5:30 pm Thursday, April 5, at the First United Methodist Church, 350 Eugene and the Civil Liberties Defense Center will present a know your rights training for youth who are speaking out against gun violence. Details at On that same day, 350 Eugene and Cascadia Wildlands will offer a comment writing workshop 6 pm at 120 Shelton McMurphy Boulevard in advance of the 10 am Tuesday, April 10 State Land Board Meeting in Salem. 350 Eugene says, “This is another opportunity to let Gov. Brown, Secretary of State Dennis Richardson and Treasurer Tobias Reed know of your concerns regarding fracked gas moving through Oregon .”

• Oregon State University is observing Holocaust Memorial Week. At 7:30 pm Monday, April 9, there will be a talk by Randall Bytwerk, “Building Hatred from a Firm Foundation: Anti-Semitic Propaganda in Nazi Germany” in the Horizon Room, OSU Memorial Union. Bytwerk will discuss how Nazis used the media to raise the level of hatred toward Jews in Germany. At 7:30 pm Wednesday, April 11, Holocaust survivor Henry Friedman, author of the memoir, I’m No Hero: Journeys of a Holocaust Survivor, will speak in the Austin Auditorium at the The LaSells Stewart Center, 875 S.W. 26th Street, Corvallis. Attendees are encouraged to get free tickets in advance at A book-signing follows. Other events are at

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