Activist Alert

Hiroshima-Nagasaki Commemoration

• As Donald Trump makes us more and more worried about the racism and anger he engenders locally, nationally and internationally, let’s not forget the past. A Hiroshima-Nagasaki Commemoration is 7-9:30 pm Sunday, Aug. 5, at Alton Baker Park’s small shelter, near the duck pond and park entrance. There will be speakers, a call to take action to abolish nuclear weapons, drumming by Eugene Taiko, traditional Japanese Obon dancing and music by the Yujin Gakuen Children’s Peace Choir. The event closes at dusk with the floating of candle lanterns on the duck pond while the Eugene Peace Choir performs. The ceremony honors those who died when the U.S. dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Contact: Michael Carrigan, CALC, 541-485-1755 for more info, 

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