Activist Alert

Lane County’s plastics roundup is 10 am to 2 pm Sunday, Sept. 30 at the Glenwood Transfer Station, 3100 E 17th Avenue. Only #2, #4, and #5 tubs, jugs, bottles, lids and beverage handles will be accepted. All materials must be clearly stamped with a resin code (number inside chasing arrow). Lane County Waste Management Division is encouraging residents to carpool in an effort to reduce pollution and traffic due to the event. Residents who prepare materials and participate in the event receive a free pass to “Plastics Entanglements” at the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art. For more info,

350 Eugene’s Fall Quarterly Meet-up is 5 pm Wed. Oct. 3, at First United Methodist Church in Eugene. Bring vegetarian finger-foods to share. In addition to campaign updates and short breakouts, hear news from San Francisco’s recent Global Climate Action Summit and learn about a new film: Arrestable: A Grassroots Guide to Taking a Stand. Stay afterwards to hear Chris Hedges speak on “Democracy Reborn: Communities Resisting, Communities Rising” at 7 pm.  Donations will be accepted for Oregon Community Rights Network,

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