Photo by Colin Houck

EW’s Ten Most Read Stories of 2019

It's a reminder that a lot of white nationalist crap happened

As 2019 breathes its final breaths, it means it’s time to look at what our most popular stories were (spoiler: it had a lot to do with that pesky white supremacy).

10. Local White Supremacist Resentenced

Arrested for violating his parole after being arrested for assault, local white supremacist Jacob Laskey, infamous for a 2002 attack on Temple Beth Israel, was sentenced to six months in prison and 30 months of probation.

9. Release on Landeros Shooting

A few weeks after Charlie Landeros was shot at Cascade Middle School after pulling a gun out at an officer, the Inter-Agency Deadly Force Investigative Team (IDFIT) investigation found the shooting to be “ legally justified as self-defense and defense of others.”

8. Protesters ‘Trump’ Flag-Waving Rally and Speakers

After countless Portland Patriot Prayer protests, Eugene finally had a taste on Cinco de Mayo when a pro-Trump rally promised an even featuring Patriot Prayer’s Joey Gibson. Gibson didn’t show up but protesters did. Trump supporters, protesters squared off on the Harlow Road overpass, resulting in Eugene and Springfield police shutting down the street.

7. Right-Wingers Make Great Organizers — for the Left

Another right-wing rally attracted a lot of attention from protesters. This time, local right-wingers wanted to bring their guns to the Wayne Morse Free Speech Plaza. The rally was originally called God, Guns and Trump, but after news outlets started reporting on the event, organizers changed it to God, Guns and Liberty.

6. Annette Montero 1962-2019

Eugene Weekly remembered the woman who was tragically killed by an early morning garbage truck in this story, whose family told a story described a life that was more than just the word “homeless.”

5. Racist Hoax Flyer Goes Viral

If you see a viral image on Reddit, chances are it’s fake. The target of a hoax flyer said she had faced harrassment when the image went viral.

4. Junction City Schools Have Simply the Best Snow Day Announcements Ever

Remember when Eugene had that blanket of snow that threw a wrench into everyday life in the Willamette Valley? As residents wondered how to handle the snow, Junction City administration had some fun with it.

3. Fyre 2.0 Coming to Eugene

Sometimes EW pushes the envelope on April’s Fool’s — as we should. Riding the coattails of the failed Ja Rule festival, EW “reported” that Fyre Festival was coming to Eugene. As ridiculous as that would be, let’s not forget that something similar is coming in 2021.

2. Curiosity Killed the Bobcat

After killing a bobcat when it wandered onto Oak Hill School, EW found out that ODFW had beaten it to death as a way to “euthanize” it.

1. The Best Of Eugene 2019-2020

Readers like democracy and there’s nothing more democratic than EW‘s Best Of issue.

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