Frog. Illustration by Chelsey Lovejoy.

Best Local visionary

1. Frog Find on Facebook.

2. Mark Frohnmayer, Arcimoto, STAR Voting,

3. Terry McDonald, St. Vincent de Paul executive director

For the best visionary in Eugene, life is full of jokes.

David Henry Miller, better known as Frog, has been selling his joke books on the street here since 1986. He is a fixture near the University of Oregon and the Eugene Saturday Market.

“Why are fruit natural musicians?” Frog asks in his recent children’s book, Frog Meets the Power Puff Girls. “Because they love to jam!”

He’s been known as Frog since he was young. “It was a nickname I picked up in high school. Somebody thought I sounded like one, and it stuck,” he says.

Frog uses different humor in his 64 adult books and 40 children’s books, with more explicit humor in his adult books.

Before writing joke books, he worked at various jobs, ranging from a flower shop to selling herbal flea collars. However, he soon realized his talent for jokes. His influences include Lenny Bruce, Robin Williams and George Carlin.

“People kept telling me I know so many jokes, I should write books,” Frog says. “I wrote Volume 1 and kept going from there.”

For Frog, it’s all about bringing joy to people. “It makes them happy,” he says, “and that’s pretty valuable.”

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