Karress Ann Slaughter - Best drag queen. Photo by Todd Cooper.

Best Drag Queen

1. Karress Ann Slaughter, Cornel Hardiman Facebook.com/GlamazonsEugene.

2. Lyta Blunt, Deziree Brock Facebook.com/Lytablunt.

3. Slutashia, Sam Thrower Facebook.com/Slutashia.

Karress Ann Slaughter, aka Cornel Hardiman, is a Eugene drag veteran. Hardiman has been in the Eugene drag scene for nearly 30 years and has no signs of slowing down. “It’s nice to know that my hard work still shows for itself and it feels like I am still always evolving,” Hardiman says. “Even my makeup routine has changed just in the last three months.”

Hardiman has been on the map since he won a title his first year doing drag. One of the best things about drag for Hardiman is that it has allowed him to tap into a part of himself he never knew existed. “It’s cool because I can literally be anyone I want to be.”

Since Hardiman started doing drag a lot has changed, but one change he is most excited about is seeing how much of a variety of drag there is. Hardiman says he loves seeing the rise in drag kings, singing queens and every other drag niche. 

The most rewarding part about drag for Hardiman, though, is being able to make people smile. “My favorite thing to see, especially at Pride, is when little kids look up at you and they are just enamored by you, and come up to you and want to talk to you,” Hardiman says. “Especially as a parent, if I can make a child happy, that just makes my life.”

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