Best Journalist

Best Journalist: Camilla Mortensen, Eugene Weekly. Photo by Athena Delene.

1. Camilla Mortensen, editor, Eugene Weekly,

2. Bob Keefer, retired arts editor, Eugene Weekly,

3. Will Kennedy, freelance music writer, Eugene Weekly,, and more.

It says a lot that readers voted the top three Best Journos to be longtime Eugene Weekly writers. Your favorite Weekly (see Best Hellraiser) survived a lot this year. But it couldn’t have weathered the storm without Camilla Mortensen, our fearless editor-in-chief, as the captain, as she likes to say, of this shipwreck. Without her measured hand, the ship would have sunk in the Eugene waters long ago — or at least last December. 

To be Best Journalist, however, is another thing altogether. It takes time, patience and years of experience (and also some cursing, she says). Uncovering the truth and holding those in power takes skill, of which Mortensen, my boss, has a limitless store.  — Bentley Freeman