Local Racist Gets Marr’d in Corvallis

Nazi wannabe Jimmy Marr gets hospitalized after fight, right-wing strikes back online

Jimmy Marr was in Corvallis the other night. Apparently, he got in a street fight that I’d like to imagine was a lot like West Side Story — except the Jets this time being portrayed by a wannabe Nazi.

Corvallis Police Department (CPD) said it’s unknown whether Marr was hospitalized due to injuries unrelated to the fight. However, Marr’s supporters have gone on to “dox” (publicly broadcast personal information) those who confronted Marr.

On the other hand, the non-racists on Twitter are having a field day with Marr’s medical troubles.

News of the fight and Marr’s hospitalization made headlines across the country from The Oregonian to The Hill. It appears Corvallis alt-weekly The Corvallis Advocate broke the story on social media.

Marr was in Corvallis days after Andrew Oswalt, a graduate student at Oregon State, was sentenced for slapping bumper stickers on members of the activist group Showing Up for Racial Justice. Oswalt was sentenced to serve 40 days at Benton County Jail, three years of supervised probation and a $500 fine. He was found guilty of a felony first-degree intimidation and third-degree criminal mischief.

Marr showed up in Corvallis with his truck — which he usually paints up with white supremacist quotes with swastikas — painted with the statement, “Nazi is just the N-word for white men” along with a partial swastika.

Marr is known for driving the Toyota truck up and down I-5 emblazoned with anything from “Jew lies matter” to “When race loses meaning, family isn’t far behind.” In 2014, Marr stood in front of Springfield High School, playing his bagpipes with woman holding a sign that read, “Diversity is a code word for anti-white” as a parade in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr., marched by.

Then in 2016, Marr tried to interrupt a rally organized by Community Alliance of Lane County (CALC) intended to counter Trumpism and hate. Through loudspeakers from his house, he broadcasted a pro-hate speech that attracted some of the CALC’s supporters to protest in front of his house. Springfield Police Department (SPD) arrived to mediate the situation, which ended with SPD climbing on top of Marr’s house — without a search warrant — to tell him he had to cut the broadcast. Marr was arrested.

So, unsurprisingly, his presence in Corvallis provoked some anger. A CPD crime report said the fight involved multiple people, who have been charged with disorderly conduct. A fundraiser has been organized to pay for their legal fees.

However, it’s uncertain whether Marr was injured from the fight. When police arrived, the report only said officers saw Marr was in need of medical support.

Marr is active on Twitter, where he charmingly goes as @GenocideJimmy. He often Tweets about anti-semitism, white supremacy and bagpipes. While many celebrated his trip to the hospital on Twitter and the Eugene subreddit, Marr’s friends rushed to support the racist.

Describing Marr as a friend, @DoxedMLC doxed those who were detained by CPD, reprimanding them for attacking a “senior citizen.”

Combs is best known as the partner of Bethany Sherman, the disgraced owner of OG Analytical who left town after being outed as a racist by Eugene Antifa.

Combs’ Tweet thread went on to launch transphobic statements about those who were detained by CPD.

Although many news outlets ran stories about Marr being hospitalized, a truly fake news website called The Goldwater ran the story supporting Marr’s side.

The site is labeled as an extreme right wing and conspiracy news website according to Media Bias/Fact Check.

The site’s story calls Marr “an elderly man” and frames the story as an attack on the elderly. It describes those who confronted Marr as “Antifa” thugs and lists each of their residences, embedding directions via Google Maps.

The story adds that Marr is someone who is attacked by groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) just “for simply noticing too much.” Because of this unnecessary attention, groups like SPLC should share the blame in Marr’s hospitalization, it argues.

Marr’s visit to Corvallis was prefaced with a rather threatening Tweet sent in support of James Fields, who was recently found guilty for driving his car into a crowd of demonstrators, killing Heather Heyer.

The Twitterverse came back at Marr after the Corvallis incident, mocking him soundly with comments such as “get worse soon motherfucker” and “Give him some weed to ease his pain, oh wait you lost your weed store LMAO. guess he will have to settle for a Hitler cake. I’m gonna go celebrate his “medical event” with a beer, and this koozie. Fuck Jimmy Marr.”

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