Everyone Must Be On Campus

It took us a minute to realize why it was so empty everywhere. The Safeway parking lot, the streets, Brails … oh, wait! Everyone must be on campus. Right? We thought about biking down there, but that would have meant forgoing our delicious containers of leftovers (bi bim bob for him, pork bulgogi for me), and that simply wasn’t an option. We’d wolfed down all the side dishes — how I love small pickled/fermented things — but each Brails entrée was definitely enough for two meals. And they serve beer and wine with dinner! As if you needed more reasons to eat there. Continue reading 

This Weekend: More Stuff To Do

Not everything in the world, obviously, makes it into the paper. There are two more shows this weekend that caught my eye despite the fullness of the music section. Tonight, you might go see the charmingly monikered The Little Penguins and The Tea Cozies, whose bio, in part, reads as follows: Continue reading 

Portland: You’re Failing Me

So, yes, I strongly dislike the book Twilight, even though I couldn’t be spoken to while I read it; it’s one of those Pringles books that’s terrible for you (does the world need any more impossibly-perfect heroines who can’t do a damn thing for themselves?) and impossible to stop reading. BUT. I have a weakness for poor doomed (please, we are so out of spoiler territory on this one) Hogwarts student Cedric Diggory. Continue reading 

OH EM GEE: Pop-Punk Edition

So a few weeks ago I confided in the pages of the EW that I have a weakness for pop punk. Then, oddly, the show I was previewing was canceled. But no matter! A better, sleeker, poppier and, well, gothier show has risen to take its place in my heart: Alkaline Trio at the Indigo District Continue reading 

I Couldn’t Eat Another Bite

The saddest thing about Chef’s Night Out, FOOD for Lane County’s annual fundraiser of deliciousness, is that it’s pretty much impossible to enjoy all of it. I ate until I was stuffed, then ate a little more, and felt like I’d only scratched the surface of what the 50+ booths in the Hult Center had to offer. Continue reading 

Whoops: The Forgetting of Vital Information

In tomorrow’s paper, I review — in a roundabout, bowled over kind of way — Ursula K. Le Guin’s new novel, Lavinia. I had to write swiftly, and I kept thinking how, given about 1200 words, I’d have a million things to say — things that have since flown out of my head. But, er, the point is, I left out one very pertinent thing: the book doesn’t officially come out until Monday, April 21. Continue reading 

Random Giggles

Lately, I’ve developed a knack for opening books to random pages and finding upon those pages sentences which, taken out of context, are truly funny. OK, so maybe a two-time occurrence isn’t quite a knack. And it’s entirely possible that only Suzi and I find these things funny. But I’m going to practice this apparent talent (my boyfriend has a variation of this talent; he can open to the smut in any given title) and see if I can’t keep coming across delicious things like these: “Have you ever fucked a Bulgarian?” Continue reading 

Could You Describe the Ruckus, Sir?

True Story*: Several (OK, six) years ago when I was still living in New York, I went out a couple of times with a fellow who knew another Molly. Yeah, that one. The Ringwald. This was a source of awe and wonder, of course, but I tried not to bring it up; that would be, like, dorky of me. Still, there came an evening when this fellow called me from a party at That Molly’s house. There is no post-teenage shock like seeing RINGWALD, MOLLY on your caller ID. Did I take a picture? You bet your DVD of The Breakfast Club I did. Continue reading